
This blister pack contains one unpainted figure with two separate heads.

The Trent Musicians are based on Members of the British First and Third Foot Guards bands, drawn in Paris in 1815, shortly after the battle of Waterloo. But musicians uniforms in most armies were according to the Colonels taste and not subject to regulations, so you could paint these chaps any colour that you like and put them in any army from Marlborough's time well into Victorian times, and still escape the ‘fashion Police’ or ‘button counters’!


This blister pack contains one unpainted figure with two separate heads.

The Trent Musicians are based on Members of the British First and Third Foot Guards bands, drawn in Paris in 1815, shortly after the battle of Waterloo. But musicians uniforms in most armies were according to the Colonels taste and not subject to regulations, so you could paint these chaps any colour that you like and put them in any army from Marlborough's time well into Victorian times, and still escape the ‘fashion Police’ or ‘button counters’!

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