Ghar Outcast squad

Blister - Metal

Ghar Outcasts are the most pitiful dregs of Ghar society. They are the lowest of the low; retaining no status and pressed into the most menial and most dangerous tasks.

The Outcasts are armed with crude Lugger Guns, and are not very adept with them!  They are ill-equipped in the context of Antares. As it is futile to hope for much in the way of prowess from a singular Outcast, there is little point in arming them with expensive trickery! They really come into their own as a meat shield sent to scout (and likely become victims of) enemy positions.

You can learn more about the role Ghar Outcasts play in the context of Ghar society here.

In the Game

Ghar Outcasts are not particularly effective. No Ghar would choose to fight without battlesuit, yet these are pressed to do so. Their senses are poor and their bodies weak. However, they are numerous. They are also normally unable to benefit from command, hero, or follow special rules from non-outcast units (with the exception of a Ghar High Commander).

Outcasts (Infantry) Ag Acc Str Res Init Co
Outcast Leader with Lugger Gun 6 5 3 4 7 7
5-11 x Empire or Rebel Outcasts with Lugger Gun 6 5 3 4 6 6

The Lugger gun they carry isn't hugely effective, but benefits from being wielded by massed ranks of Outcasts.

Type of Weapon Effective Long Extreme Strike Value Special
Lugger Gun 20 30 None 0 RF2, Limited Ammo

Ghar Outcasts

This blister pack gives you six new Ghar Outcast sculpts including an Outcast Leader, all armed with Lugger Guns.

Contains six metal figures

Models supplied unassembled and unpainted


Ghar Outcasts are the most pitiful dregs of Ghar society. They are the lowest of the low; retaining no status and pressed into the most menial and most dangerous tasks.

The Outcasts are armed with crude Lugger Guns, and are not very adept with them!  They are ill-equipped in the context of Antares. As it is futile to hope for much in the way of prowess from a singular Outcast, there is little point in arming them with expensive trickery! They really come into their own as a meat shield sent to scout (and likely become victims of) enemy positions.

You can learn more about the role Ghar Outcasts play in the context of Ghar society here.

In the Game

Ghar Outcasts are not particularly effective. No Ghar would choose to fight without battlesuit, yet these are pressed to do so. Their senses are poor and their bodies weak. However, they are numerous. They are also normally unable to benefit from command, hero, or follow special rules from non-outcast units (with the exception of a Ghar High Commander).

Outcasts (Infantry) Ag Acc Str Res Init Co
Outcast Leader with Lugger Gun 6 5 3 4 7 7
5-11 x Empire or Rebel Outcasts with Lugger Gun 6 5 3 4 6 6

The Lugger gun they carry isn't hugely effective, but benefits from being wielded by massed ranks of Outcasts.

Type of Weapon Effective Long Extreme Strike Value Special
Lugger Gun 20 30 None 0 RF2, Limited Ammo

Ghar Outcasts

This blister pack gives you six new Ghar Outcast sculpts including an Outcast Leader, all armed with Lugger Guns.

Contains six metal figures

Models supplied unassembled and unpainted

Ghar Outcast squad
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