Ghar Bomber Squad (plastic)
The Ghar live only to destroy lesser humans, and will not rest until they finally prevail over a universe emptied of all that verminous race. They were created in ages past – even they do not know when or why...
Ghar Command Crawler
The Command Crawler is a multi-legged vehicle designed to carry a Ghar Commander into battle. Like other Ghar machines it is a primitive affair that is powered by a volatile plasma reactor. The reactor’s exposed magnetic feed lines bathe the...
Ghar Dice Bag & Dice
All of our Beyond The Gates Of Antares Ghar dice bags come complete with a set of 12 Grey dice with red lettering.
Ghar Flitters
Ghar Flitters are not probes in the same way as those of advanced Antarean societies such as the Concord. Flitters are tiny fragile flying cameras with mechanical wings a little like a bat. They fly in a jerky, irregular manner...
Ghar Outcast command squad
Such is the Nature of the Ghar that even Outcasts continue to value power, still rating their status in terms of the number of other Ghar who must answer to them. Betrayal can advance even the lowliest Outcast and if...
Ghar Outcast Disruptor Cannon
For some extra firepower, Ghar outcasts use a powered walker equipped with a core disruptor cannon. It requires an Outcast crew to operate, much to their dismay! It is an extremely crude weapon - but this suits the Ghar mentality...
Ghar Outcast Rebel Attack Crawler
Across the Ghar Empire rebellion spreads as Outcast forces led by the disgraced High Commander Fartok confront the armies of the Empire in open battle. The rebels are tough and determined, but so far at least, vastly outnumbered and woefully...
Ghar Outcast Rebel Creeper
One of the accomplishments of Fartok’s Outcast engineers is to find ways of repurposing the simple shells of captured enemy equipment. Such shells are made of materials of a kind that is strange and alien, quite unlike the familiar onion-like...
Ghar Outcast Rebel Flitter Bombs
Fartok's engineers worked hard to create a mobile bomb designed to hone in on the enemy and self-destruct creating havoc on the battlefield. Cheap and expendable, perfect for harassing those heavy weapon teams in the back lines or blocking off...
Ghar Outcast Rebel Mag cannon team
Ghar engineers don't dabble with any other technology other than their own, because of this they have nearly perfected their own weaponry with which they annihilate their targets. A single high powered shot from the mag cannon can pierce through...
Ghar Outcast Rebel Mag-light support team
The mag light support gun - often abbreviated to Mag LS - is a long-ranged rapid firing weapon that is commonly used by support units of Boromite and Algoryn forces amongst others...until the Rebel Ghar got their hands on it!...
Ghar Outcast Rebel Quad mag repeater team
Ghar technology is finicky as best, however when they strap 4 mag cannons together, the results are just flat-out unpredictable. Working at its best, you have a devastating gatling-type gun showering the enemy with an overkill amount of damage. At...
Ghar Outcast Rebel Squad
The Ghar Outcast Rebel Army, lead by Fartok has to rely on what they can capture, repair or fabricate using the modest resources available to them. This has resulted in a force with a wide variety of troops and equipment,...
Ghar Outcast Rebels Command Team
The Ghar Outcast Rebel Army, lead by Fartok has to rely on what they can capture, repair or fabricate using the modest resources available to them. This has resulted in a force with a wide variety of troops and equipment, at least...
Ghar Outcast Rebels Wrecking Squad
The Outcast Rebels are very short of fighting machines and any Wrecker vehicles they capture are quickly rebuilt by armies of Fartok’s enterprising engineers to serve as Scutters. In the Outcast Rebel army this function is served by Wrecking Squads...
Ghar Outcast squad
Ghar Outcasts are the most pitiful dregs of Ghar society. They are the lowest of the low; retaining no status and pressed into the most menial and most dangerous tasks. The Outcasts are armed with crude Lugger Guns, and are...
Ghar Rebel Battlesuit Add-on Pack
It's time to individualise your battlesuits and truly embody your cause. Use this add-on pack to make your battlesuits unique!
This kit contains:
Four Heads
Four Equipment Pieces
Supplied unassembled and unpainted
Ghar Rebels 'Start Collecting' Bundle
The 'Start Collecting' bundles are designed as a perfect introduction to the game of Beyond the Gates of Antares or can act as a good way to start a new army if you already play the game. The Bundles can...
Ghar scutter
Scutters are one‐man crawlers designed to carry Disruptor Bomb ammunition for Ghar Heavy Bombardment units. Because these bombs are quite large, Bombardment units can carry only a limited amount of ammunition. Hence, they are accompanied by Scutters, which busily feed...
Ghar Stench Vent
The Ghar aren't the most hygienic creatures in the Antares universe, so to compensate when they live a prolonged amount of time in a closed environment, they have to have stench holes or vents, to literally, let all the stink...
Ghar Tectorists Scouts
Tector rods are simple direction finding instruments that detect the presence of enemy and enable their operators to direct fire onto them. Ghar Tectorists are a rare breed – Ghar that are immune to fear and unmotivated by any sense...
Ghar wrecker
The Wrecker is a small crawler machine designed to recover valuable wreckage from the battlefield. Busy wreckers can be found scurrying about the battlefield salvaging useful pieces of armour, weapons and vehicles and separating them from the sorry remains of...