French Carabinier Cavalry Troopers x3
This pack is for x3 Revolutionary War - French Carabinier Cavalry models.
This unit contains:
x3 Randomly selected French Carabinier Cavalry models
These 28mm White Metal models are supplied unpainted and unassembled.
This blister pack contains three mounted unpainted figures. An example of one of the figures is shown above
This blister pack contains three French Napoleonic casualty models.
Models are supplied unpainted.
This pack contains eight randomly selected figures from the poses available.
Models are supplied unpainted and unbased.
This blister pack contains four unpainted figures. the pack contains a drummer , flag bearer and selection of two of three versions of the officers. The gallery picture shows the officers available. These will be supplied as a random mix....
French Cuirassier Cavalry Command x3
This pack is for x3 Revolutionary War - French Cuirassier Cavalry models.
This pack contains:
x1 Mounted Officer, x1 Mounted Standard Bearer, x1 Mounted Musician
These 28mm White Metal models are supplied unpainted and unassembled.
French Cuirassier Cavalry Regiment x12
This pack is for a Regiment of x12 Revolutionary War - French Cuirassier Cavalry models including a Full Command Group. This pack contains: x1 Mounted Officer, x1 Mounted Standard Bearer, x1 Mounted Musician x9 Randomly selected French Cuirassier Cavalry models These 28mm White Metal models...
French Cuirassier Cavalry x3
This pack is for x3 Revolutionary War - French Cuirassier Cavalry models.
This pack contains:
x3 Randomly selected French Cuirassier Cavalry models
These 28mm White Metal models are supplied unpainted and unassembled.
French Dragoons - Command Group
This pack is for x3 Revolutionary War French Dragoon Command Group models.
This pack contains:
x1 Mounted Officer, x1 Mounted Standard Bearer, x1 Mounted Musician
These 28mm White Metal models are supplied unpainted and unassembled.
French Dragoons - Regiment
This pack is for a Regiment of x12 Revolutionary War French Dragoon models including a Full Command Group. This unit contains: x1 Mounted Officer, x1 Mounted Standard Bearer, x1 Mounted Musician x9 Randomly selected French Dragoon models These 28mm White Metal models are supplied unpainted and...
This blister pack contains three unpainted figures. Examples of the figures are shown in the pictures. The Dragoons are supplied with separate heads ( round hats) and there is a choice of arms as shown in the picture. Figures are...
French Dragoons x3
This pack is for x3 Revolutionary War French Dragoon trooper models.
This pack contains:
x3 Randomly selected French Dragoon models
These 28mm White Metal models are supplied unpainted and unassembled.
This pack contains eight randomly selected unpainted figures from this range of models.
Paints and basing materials are not included
French Émigré - Command Group
This pack contains x3 models that form the Command Group for the Revolutionary War - French Émigré Infantry models. This pack consists of: x1 Officer, x1 Musician and x1 Standard Bearer models. These 28mm White Metal models are supplied unpainted...
French Émigré Infantry - Brigade
This set is for a Brigade of Revolutionary War - French Émigré Infantry models. This brigade consists of 3x Regiments of French Émigré Infantry with each Regiment containing: x1 Officer, x1 Musician and x1 Standard Bearer models. x21 Randomly selected Émigré Infantry models. In...
French Émigré Infantry - Regiment
This pack is for a Regiment of x24 Revolutionary War - French Émigré Infantry models. This pack consists of: x1 Officer, x1 Musician and x1 Standard Bearer models. x21 Randomly selected Émigré Infantry models. These 28mm White Metal models are supplied...
French Émigré Infantry x4
This pack is for Revolutionary War - French Émigré Infantry models.
This pack consists of:
x4 Randomly selected Émigré Infantry models.
These 28mm White Metal models are supplied unpainted and unassembled.
This pack contains six unpainted figures. Painted examples of the figures are shown in the pictures. Bases and basing material is not included but can be purchased from my shop.
French Grenadier Command Group x4
This pack is for Revolutionary War - French Grenadier Command Group with x4 models.
This pack contains:
x1 Officer, x1 Musician, x1 NCO and x1 Sapeur
These 28mm White Metal models are supplied unpainted and unassembled.
French Grenadiers Firing Line - Brigade
This bundle is for a Revolutionary War - French Grenadier Firing Line Brigade. Each Regiment of x24 models includes a full Command Group. This bundle consists of x3 Regiments each with the following models: x1 Officer, x1 Musician, x1 NCO and x1 Sapeur x20 Randomly selected Firing...
French Grenadiers Firing Line - Regiment
This pack is for a Regiment of x24 Revolutionary War - French Grenadier Firing Line models including a Command Group. This unit contains: x1 Officer, x1 Musician, x1 NCO and x1 Sapeur x20 Randomly selected Firing Line Infantry models These 28mm White Metal...